Beryl Golden - Natural
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Natural Golden Beryl (Heliodor)
Lovely golden coloured natural pieces of Beryl - hence the name of course !
Golden Beryl is also sometimes called Heliodor, after the Greek name for the Sun, Helios.
These super stones come from Brazil and they really are an excellent quality.
Golden Beryl is excellent for combating depression and/or exhaustion.
Size approx. 25-30mm Weight approx. 14grms
Golden Beryl Properties and Meaning Crystal Healing Properties, Metaphysical and Gemstone Meaning
Physical Believed to be an excellent stone for the Solar Plexus Chakra, Golden Beryl is said to help with stomach and intestine problems, ulcers, nausea and eating disorders. It is also thought to clear toxins from the liver and to be supportive when treating spleen, pancreas or liver issues. Golden Beryl is also believed to be an excellent stone for those suffering from exhaustion.
Mental/Emotional A superb stone for helping us to cope with difficult and/or stressful lives, Golden Beryl stimulates the mind, inspires mental clarity, improves our confidence and strengthens our willpower. It is a stone that can teach us initiative and independence. Golden Beryl is also excellent at combating depression as it can discourage over-analysis of situations and help us to overcome feelings of fear and resentment. It can help to reawaken love in those who have been married for some time but who feel that the edge has gone out of their relationship. Golden Beryl can be a wonderful stone for therapists to keep with them as it fosters feelings of sympathetic and compassionate understanding.
Spiritual Golden Beryl helps us when we are "tuning in" to seek guidance on what we should be doing with our lives. It is an amazing stone for scrying as it promotes visualisation with protection, and is often referred to as a "Seers Stone". It has been used in magical rituals and promotes purity of being.
You will receive 1 (one) hand picked, lovely Natural/Rough Piece of Golden Beryl