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Does Crystal Healing Really Work ?

posted on 12 August 2021 | posted in Articles

We are often asked "So, do crystals really work - I mean do they really work?"

We strongly believe that crystals do work - but before we get into that, how about a little history.

It is the ancient Greeks who we have to thank for our English word "Crystal". They used to believe that Clear Quartz or Rock Quartz was ice that was frozen so hard that it would never ever melt. Their name for this phenomenon was "Krystallos".

From civilizations as ancient as the Mayans and the Egyptians, as diverse as Far Eastern cultures and Native American cultures, and as far apart as Australian Aborigines and European peoples, all have used crystals, gemstones and minerals in both their spiritual rituals and in their physical healing practices.

Today the practice of using stones and crystals continues. Not only with tribal people and shamanic doctors, but with literally thousands and thousands of ordinary people, just like you and me, who live all over the planet who can claim some extraordinary results.

So to get back to answering the question we posed at the top of the page namely, "So, do crystals really work - I mean do they really work?" He Hi She Lo would say yes they definitely do work, and we have listened to dozens and dozens, if not hundreds, of stories that past customers have related to us concerning their beneficial effects.

So the next question is "How do crystals work?"

Certainly to us (both Steve and Mo) there seems to be a combination of reasons why crystals should have the beneficial effects upon us that they most certainly do.

There are 4 reasons, amongst probably others that you can think of, that seem to be at the top of the list.

Reason Number 1)
Certainly, members of the quartz family have an electrical charge within their crystal structure and many other crystals and minerals display this property also. We are not talking about an enormous charge that will give you a shock if you pick up a crystal! But rather, a very, very small charge that is nonetheless measurable with the correct instruments.

In fact just by placing your crystal onto any surface it will be working for you.

Now, within each of our own bodies we all have millions, if not billions, of cells each with it's own tiny electrical charge within it. If something is wrong with a particular part of our body, could it be that something has disturbed the electrical balance of our cells in the affected area?

It is not unreasonable to assume that the microscopic electrical charge from a crystal, when held or placed against the affected part of the body, could perhaps "balance" the body's own charge and help to give our body a chance to heal itself.

The body's own Electro-magnetic field could perhaps be "balanced" to the extent that beneficial changes may bring about an improvement in health, be that physical, mental/emotional or spiritual.

Reason Number 2)
Over 3,000 years ago people living in present day Tibet and India, "discovered", if that is the right word, or at least came to an understanding of, the energy points on the body that today we call Chakra points.



Third Eye



Solar Plexus


Base or Root

Each of these points vibrates to a different colour frequency,


Crown - Violet

Third Eye - Indigo

Throat - Blue

Heart - Green (and Pink)

Solar Plexus - Yellow

Sacral Chakra - Orange

The Base or Root Chakra - Red

The colour of individual crystals resonates with the colour of each Chakra point and can bring that point to balance.

For example, the yellow of Citrine is good for Stomach problems or food disorders. The Green of Malachite or Green Aventurine is good for soothing the emotions. The Blue of Lapis Lazuli makes it an ideal meditation stone with which to contact ones spiritual side.

You can find out more about the Chakra System here.

Reason Number 3)
While Mo and I are behind our stand, we notice that a large number of people pick up a crystal and then start talking to us, or to their friend, about their problems. It's as if holding and/or caressing the crystal actually does something for them, as if somehow just holding the crystal makes them "feel better" or "loosen up" in some way.

Crystals are very tactile! And many, many people find them soothing simply to hold, to touch and to stroke.

Now if simply holding a crystal works for some people, and both Mo and I have seen it work, we are certainly not going to decry it as a form of crystal healing!

Reason Number 4)
The 4th main way that Crystals can help you along your life's path is to bring to you their "Universal Power" or "Universal Energy". They can undoubtedly awaken your spiritual side.

If you already meditate, try meditating with a Crystal in your hands. If you don't already meditate at all, try it!

People often say to us, "Oh, but I haven't got the time to meditate!". These people of course, are exactly the people who need to meditate, permanently rushing from hither to thither, no wonder that the most commonly asked question, bar none, put to Mo and I is "Have you got anything to help me with stress?"

There seems to be little doubt that meditating upon, or simply "thinking" upon a stone, that losing yourself in its interior, that allowing yourself to receive messages from it, really does calm you down and can help with mental and emotional problems - if only providing time for you to think about things!

Don't forget the spiritual side of Crystals. They have patterns and pictures on their surfaces that can transport you to another world. They have textures that you can stroke, rub, handle and that can fire your imagination!

They truly do seem to have connections to other places.

* * * * * * *

The above 4 reasons seem to us to be the main reasons for the effectiveness of Crystal Healing. You of course, may have others - and that's fine too!

Don't forget though, that if you buy a Crystal that you love from He Hi She Lo you will need to "work with it" - we don't like to say that you should "use it". Would you "use" a friend - No, of course not, you'd "work with them".

If you simply buy a Crystal from us, or from anyone else, and then just get home and leave it on your dressing table without ever giving it another look except for the occasional dusting - you are not going to benefit from the energies that your Crystal could be bringing to you.

When you get your Crystal home, at the very least give it a cleanse, and you perhaps may even want to consider programming it.

Details of how to cleanse your crystals
What we mean by programming

Small crystals and tumblestones have a working radius of a couple of feet and need to be loved up and carried around with you in order that you can gain from their benefits. Bigger crystals and bigger rough/natural pieces have a much larger working radius.

Work with your Crystal and it will repay you over and over again!

If you have any questions or concerns or simply want to let us know of your experiences with crystals, please do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.


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