Hemimorphite "Discs"
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Hemimorphite "Discs"
These are wonderful, flat, polished all over discs of the unusual stone Hemimorphite.
They are lovely grade stones and the colour is a gorgeous blue/green with feint banding. You can think of these as flat tumble stones or as mini palm stones - either way, they are really, really lovely ! Size approx. 25-27mm Weight approx. 10grms
Hemimorphite Properties and Meaning Crystal Healing Properties, Metaphysical and Gemstone Meaning
Physical Hemimorphite is believed to help us when we are moving through hormonal shifts and may help to reduce the effects of hormonal headaches and/or PMS. It is also thought to alleviate ulcer related pain and may be useful in treating disorders of the blood and those with restless legs.
Mental/Emotional Hemimorphite helps us to realise that we are, for the most part, responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness. We all create our own reality through what we think and what we do and Hemimorphite can help us to reframe this where our thoughts and actions are not what we would wish them to be. Hemimorphite also helps to make us more empathetic in our dealings with people. It increases our levels of self-confidence, lifts our emotions and helps us to further develop our sense of inner strength. It helps us to live a much more joyous, compassionate and creative life. If you are someone who always sets impossibly high standards for yourself or you set yourself unattainable goals, leading to feelings of frustration when, inevitably, you fail to achieve them, Hemimorphite can help you to re-set much more attainable goals and standards so that instead of failure, you experience accomplishment.
Spiritual Hemimorphite helps us to be much more open to communication from the spiritual realm and the angelic realm. It works on our heart, third eye and crown chakras and is thought to be particularly useful for those who are healers, readers or spiritual counsellors. Hemimorphite can help us to integrate more light into our spiritual body, to better understand ancient techniques of healing and allow us to detach from our own ego thereby bringing about spiritual growth. Because of these traits Hemimorphite is often said to have powerful Buddha energies. Hemimorphite is also a useful stone for those who are engaged in Earth healing.
You will receive 1 (one) hand picked, lovely Hemimorphite Disc