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Is it safe buying from He Hi She Lo ?

Do you have an actual shop on the High Street somewhere ?

What size are the crystals I'm buying ?

What are your Shipping and Delivery charges ?

Can I buy from you at wholesale prices ?

Is your jewellery real silver ?

What is the best way to cleanse my crystals ?

I'm new to crystals, so should I be buying tumblestones or rough/natural pieces ?

Do I have to programme my crystals and will they still work if I don't ?

What books would you recommend I read to find out more about crystals ?

I'm new to crystals - what would you recommend as my first 20 crystals to buy ?

Can I use crystals with my horse/dog/cat/gerbil or animals in general ?

I'm a therapist/teacher - what crystals would be best to put in my healing room ?

Sometimes my pendulum is not very accurate - what's wrong with it ?

My pendulum sometimes just shudders and doesn't move properly - what's wrong with it ?

Is there any Scientific Proof that crystal healing actually works ?

I want to learn crystal healing - where do I start ?