.Is it safe buying from He Hi She Lo ?
Absolutely !
Payments are made on the secure PayPal website. You will be sent over to the secure PayPal site at the point where payment information is required - and since all card processing is done off-site at the PayPal site, we don't even see your card details.
And remember, you don't need to have a PayPal account to make a purchase. On the PayPal site you can pay directly using your own credit or debit card.
Do you have an actual shop on the High Street somewhere ?
No, we don't have a physical shop. Instead we choose to exhibit at many of the major Mind Body & Spirit Shows all around the UK.
From time to time we also exhibit at other specialised events too.
Do check out our events diary. You are more than welcome to come along and meet us in person !
We also, of course, sell mail order from this very website !
What size are the crystals I'm buying ?
We have written a comprehensive guide about this in our Articles section.
What are your Shipping and Delivery charges ?
Our shipping and delivery charges are modest.
Just £4.19 to deliver anything anywhere in the UK and if you spend more than £40, delivery is completely free.
You can read our full shipping and delivery charges, including delivery to other countries, just here.
Can I buy from you at wholesale prices ?
At present, we have taken the decision to offer our products on a retail only basis.
Is your jewellery real silver ?
Absolutely ! - and the stones are real and genuine stones !
Our jewellery is mostly hand made in either India or Bali. As such it cannot be hallmarked as hallmarking is reserved for pieces made in the UK.
It is however stamped with the 925 symbol, signifying that it is made from 925 parts of silver per 1000 parts. This is the same quality as "Sterling Silver".
Not every single last piece is stamped though, as pieces of silver weighing under 7.78 grams (i.e. just the silver, excluding any stones) are exempt from stamping.
What is the best way to cleanse my crystals ?
We have a comprehensive article all about cleansing your crystals in our Articles section.
You can read it just here.
I'm new to crystals, so should I be buying tumblestones or rough/natural pieces ?
This is very much a matter of personal choice.
Tumblestones, (and they are exactly what they sound like i.e. stones that have been tumbled until they are smooth to the touch), tend to be more for personal use, that is to say, stones that are to be carried around either in a purse, a pocket or carried in your hand. Size wise, tumbled stones are easy to keep in your hand and most vary between 5mm - 35mm, depending on type.
Tumblestones are also what most, not all, but most crystal healers use to place on their clients when carrying out crystal healing. Each tumblestone has a working radius of say 2 feet and so are perfect for this use.
They are also generally light in weight. It's no problem to have tumbled stones placed on your body, but consider having a large rough unpolished stone placed on your third eye (the chakra point just above and between your eyes) - you probably wouldn't go back for another treatment !!
Obviously, if you want stones and crystals for a class or a group meditation, tumblestones really aren't going to do it. You couldn't envisage 6 people sitting in a circle all staring at a small tumblestone. This is where rough and natural stones come into their own.
They are again, exactly what they sound like, pieces that have been collected from the earth and have had minimal treatment, other than being cleaned, so that they look exactly like pieces of natural rock or mineral - which after all is what they are.
Rough and natural pieces are also the sort of thing that mineral collectors would go for, they would only rarely be interested in tumbled stones as they want to see the piece in it's natural state.
Whereas each tumble stone of any given type, by and large, look very similar, each rough piece will be an individual.
You also have cut and polished shapes to consider. Pieces cut into pyramids, spheres, cubes, eggs, dolphins, elephants, and many many other shapes too. These pieces are either ornamental or have quite specific uses. If you are new to crystals though you're probably better off making some initial choices from tumbled or rough pieces.
You'll find that most people start off by buying tumblestones and then slowly get a few rough/natural pieces too.
Do I have to programme my crystals and will they still work if I don't ?
We have a comprehensive article all about programming your crystals in our Articles section.
You can read it just here.
What books would you recommend I read to find out more about crystals ?
There are actually hundreds of books out there on the shelves at the moment, covering many subjects from an introduction to crystals to some quite advanced crystal theories, and chosing which one is right for you can be a daunting task !
The Book of Stones is sort of "flavour of the moment" and is hugely popular here in the UK, and easily available from many outlets.
A couple of other suggestions? - Well, I'd suggest, Love is in the Earth by Melody, which for years has been the crystal sellers bible and some well thumbed copy is likely to be around by the side of anyone world-wide who deals in crystals one way or another.
Michael Geingers excellent book Crystal Power and Crystal Healing is well worth reading and comes at the subject from a different perspective.
And one that should be on everyones bookshelf, is Judy Hall's superb little book The Crystal Bible. You can't be without it !
I'm new to crystals - what would you recommend as my first 20 crystals to buy ?
Wow, what a question. I'll bet that anybody reading our suggested list below will have their own variation on it !
Probably, you would be best advised to get the well known ones first and then add some of the more popular ones to your collection later.
If your interest is awakened, then there are many, many rarer stones that you could further add at a later date.
So, 20 for starters eh ?
OK - I'd go with, in no particular order,
1) Amethyst
2) Clear Quartz
3) Rose Quartz
(these 3 are practically the "holy trinity" of crystal healing ! )
4) Citrine
5) Smokey Quartz
6) Moonstone
7) Green Aventurine
8) Carnelian
9) Gold Tigers Eye
10) Bloodstone
11) Angelite
12) Fluorite
13) Lapis Lazuli
14) Red Jasper
15) Hematite
16) Malachite
17) Blue Lace Agate
18) Turquoise
19) Black Tourmaline
20) Jade
So there we are, 20 to get you on your way - enjoy the journey that lies in front of you !
Can I use crystals with my horse/dog/cat/gerbil or animals in general ?
You most certainly can !
Animals like being near crystals just the same as people do. You just have to remember that the internal organs of various animals, whilst similar to ours, may not necessarily be in exactly the same place as ours.
You also have to remember that the size of an animal has to be taken into account too. A small mouse or gerbil, or goldfish may not need 2 hours of Reiki blessings and 25 crystals placed around it, whilst a large horse may comfortably benifit from a long healing session.
But in general dogs, cats and most other pets really seem to be drawn to crystals in the same way that we are.
I'm a therapist/teacher - what crystals would be best to put in my healing room ?
Now, bearing in mind that your clients and/or students are coming to see you to receive healing from you or to receive teaching instruction from you, they are ideally supposed to be concentrating on what you are passing on to them.
For this reason, we'd suggest that any crystals you use are ones that they probably already know. You want them learning about what you are teaching them, or to enjoy the healing that you are passing on. You don't want them asking questions about some obscure crystal that they've never seen before !
So, we'd like to suggest either Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Turquoise or Amethyst.
Yes, we know these are "the usual suspects" but all four are also good for healing and both Amethyst and Turquoise are also good spiritual connection stones - which is probably just what you want when you are focusing on the variuos forms of spiritual/metaphysical healing.
Rose Quartz is of course a good heart/love stone.
So in all, we hope that our choices and recommendations are not just uninspired (!!) but are in fact based on rather practical reasons.
Sometimes my pendulum is not very accurate - what's wrong with it ?
Now as I'm sure you know, pendulums are specific to each individual and although one pendulum may work fine for one person, it may not work for another.
Pendulums also move in different ways for different folk and the fact that your pendulum is seemingly inaccurate sometimes, must by default, mean that it is accurate at other times !
Assuming that that you can get it to swing OK and that you get clear and positive responses for your "yes" questions and also clear and positive responses for your "no" questions - then why does it sometimes give you the "wrong" answer ?
Well, that could be for a variety of reasons, which we'll explore below.
Pendulums, Dowsing Rods, Dowsing Sticks etc are all part of what is called the "Divinatory Arts" i.e. they all in some way involve making a connection to the Divine, - in whatever sense that may mean to you, One Divine Being, Several Divine Beings, Angels, Higher Consciousness, Guides, our Subconscious etc etc.
1) Sometimes things just get in the way of that connection. If we are really stressed, if we have so much on our minds we just can't seem to cope with life, if we drink to much, if we are ill, if we feel constantly worried for a loved one etc etc sometimes we just can't seem to "make" that connection and even though we want to make that connection - we may make our pendulum "move" how we want to see it move.
The answer to this is to try (however hard that may be) to make our mind still and calm, in order to make us more receptive to Spirit so that the answer we get is accurate and true, and not just the one we want to hear.
2) Another similar problem is that some folk having perhaps just bought their pendulum, really really want it to work for them. Right Now !
They try so hard that they end up trying too hard and get similar results as above, The solution to this is the same as above.
3) Sometimes we ask questions when we know the answer anyway. There's no need to seek guidance when we already know what the answers are.
4) Another common idea is that answers have to be checked and double checked and we sometimes get emails saying things like "I've asked my Pendulum - and my angels - and the universe - and all of my friends who have my best interests at heart, and they don't all say the same thing".
Sometimes we get so hooked on trying to find the "right" answer or the "correct" answer to a particular problem or issue that we ask everyone we meet for their advice.
I guess that the point I am making here is if you ask me what's 2 plus 2 - I'll say 4. If you ask me again, I'll say 4 again. If you ask me a third time, I'll say 4 once more. If, however, you ask me a fourth time, I might well say 5 as I'll think that you weren't listening or paying any attention the previous times.
And this can sometimes happen with pendulums. As mentioned earlier, don't forget that pendulum dowsing is part of what is called the "Divinatory Arts" literally this means "making a connection with the Divine" If you gain access to such high powers as the Divine, at least chose to be guided by what is revealed to you. Don't say "Oh, I'll just check that again for a 4th or 5th time - just to be sure"
5) A last possibility is that when working with a pendulum, we are connecting with and asking guidance from OUR guides and angels etc. who will be responding to us in ways that we can understand. By asking other friends and/or psychics and/or dowsers, they are asking THEIR guides etc who, of course, will be responding to them in ways that they know how to interperet.
Trust your own guides and angels !
If perhaps none of the above apply at all, then I'd suggest to you that you just try to leave the pendulum alone for 1 or 2 days and just let things settle in your own mind, and if it's possible - just be !
I feel sure that if you ask again in a day or two - and if you ask with renewed belief in the fact that you will get the "correct" answer - then you'll see that sometimes getting the "wrong" answer can simply be seen as just a hiccup, and that you need not feel discouraged or confused.
My pendulum sometimes just shudders and doesn't move properly - what's wrong with it ?
Assuming that your pendulum works well most of the time, why is it that sometimes it just hangs there and shudders. Well, this maybe for a variety of reasons,
1) You may not be "in the mood" for pendulum dowsing, you may feel out of sorts, you may have a cold or a virus, in short, you may just not be ready at that particular time to receive guidance through your pendulum.
2) You may not be "tuned in" to receive guidance when you asked, perhaps you had so many things on your mind you couldn't give your pendulum the attention it deserved.
3) It may well be that your pendulum is just "thinking about it" and getting itself sorted out.
4) Perhaps that shuddering might be your "maybe" response, in addition to your "yes" and your "no" responses.
Generally speaking, the shuddering will usually be an indication that you need to re-focus and just simply have another go. The more practised you become, the less you will see any shuddering.
It certainly doesn't mean that you are somehow "bad" at pendulum dowsing or that you are ill in any way, nor does it mean that you are not spiritual enough. It is simply part of the process of attuning to your pendulum and with further practice it will tend to happen less and less.
Is there any Scientific Proof that crystal healing actually works ?
This very short and concise question, actually has a quite long and complicated answer !
Firstly, what do we know about how crystal healing works. Crystals help us with healing physical/mental/emotional/spiritual problems by "balancing" our energies or by removing "negative" energies that may surround us.
They do this by being placed in a persons Aura (the energy field that surrounds us all) or by being placed on or close by a persons chakra points (points on our bodies where we experience the outside world internally).
Crystal therapy is thousands of years old and has been used by many of the worlds ancient cultures and is still practised by tens of thousands of folk today. Of course, a belief in the fact that your body does indeed have an Aura and does indeed have chakra points is beneficial.
If you simply believe that your body is your body and does not form part of a "whole energy person" then crystal healing may not be for you.
There are many texts, some sacred, dating back to over 3,000 years ago about how man is not just a body but is part of a "universal energy" and susceptible to energetic changes within his own personal energy field.
However, to get back to the question in the way that is was phrased, Is there any Scientific Proof that crystal healing actually works. Clearly, the emphasis here is on the existence of "scientific proof" or perhaps even "scientific evidence", i.e. where absolute proof exists that a certain crystal works on this emotion but not on that emotion, on this illness or on that illness, and that it can be shown scientifically to do so.
I guess the answer to that has to be No.
When one applies the usual rules of "scientific evidence" to a particular issue, (for example, air passing over and under a wing shape in order to keep an aeroplane aloft) evidence has to be produced to substantiate that issue, and then on top of that, it must be shown to be repeatable over and over again and still produce the same results. If this is the absolute type of evidence that you are searching for, then I guess you won't find it.
There have been some scientific studies done in America, one particular chap in California whose name I now can't recall to mind, who was working in a hospital with people who had bone fractures that just wouldn't heal. He was experimenting on electrical impulses to help heal such fractures. He discovered that the amplified impulses given out by Hematite and Blue Lace Agate, (both good for helping to mend broken bones) were exactly the same frequency as those he was using to treat the healing of fractures in his own experiments. However, apart from the odd one or two experiments like this, there is no great body of clinical evidence.
This is the reason why reputable websites (including ours) have a disclaimer which is easily readable and which advises people to accept that crystal healing is a "complementary therapy" and should not be thought of as one which can replace conventional medicine.
However, having said that, when we are dealing with crystal healing we are working on many levels, spiritual, emotional, physical and mental, and different folk experience things in a variety of different ways.
For example, when we say a particular crystal can "help you overcome feelings of fear" we are all as individuals, starting from a different point in our understanding of what feelings of fear are. Whilst maybe for one person, a crystal may give them a 5% "improvement" in overcoming their feelings of fear, for another, that "improvement" may be 80%.
That of course rather leads us into the area that one crystal may work for one person but not for another and in fact many crystal healers prefer their clients to select their own crystals that they feel may help them, from a selection that the crystal healer puts before them. This works on the basis that we are drawn to those crystals, which we feel we have some understanding with, and which may therefore resonate with us more readily, therefore helping our own healing to progress.
However, to return to the question, the above process is probably not quantifiable and in any event doesn't quite address the question of what is the evidence for crystal healing.
Most of the evidence for healing with crystals is either,
A) Experiential (i.e. someone has experienced a good result with, for example, Rose Quartz and encouraged others to try it to see if they experience the same thing)
B) Channelled, (i.e. someone has channelled from their contact with spirit, information that this particular crystal is good for that particular thing)
C) Anecdotal (i.e. the properties of a crystal have been handed down over generations and folk today still use that particular crystal for that particular thing)
D) Study Based (i.e. groups of people are asked to work with particular crystals and to observe their feeling, emotions etc)
Lets have a look at these in some more detail,
A) Experiential - A lot of crystal healing is based upon this. Over 4,000 years of practice with crystals has taught us that some crystals can help with this, but not with that. Is there a civilisation on the planet (either in existence or now extinct) that at some time or another has not imbued crystals with healing properties - I doubt it.
We could probably quote chapter and verse here, but lets just say that in ancient India, Sapphires were a stone of health. Some Native American tribes used Turquoise to help them pass into the next world. Ancient Egyptians revered the royal blue of Lapis Lazuli. Crystals are mentioned over 200 times in the Christian Bible, the "Pearly Gates" of Heaven, cities whose walls were made of crystal, Aaron the high priest who wore a breastplate with 27 precious stones set in it, etc etc.
In addition, there were tribal healers, medicine men, shamans, who used crystals in their healing kit. All of these 1,000's of years of knowledge have been passed on and added to as new crystals have been discovered.
B) Channelled - There are many folk out there who are in regular contact with the spirit world and who, from time to time receive information (perhaps in the old days, this would have been called revelation) that certain crystals can help with different things. This information is added to the general store of workable knowledge on crystals.
C) Anecdotal - The one thing here that, for me at least, transcends all other examples is Turquoise mined in Iraq, Iran, Turkey and the Middle East. This bright blue stone has been thought of for centuries, probably millennia, to ward of evil and still today, you can go to those countries and buy amulets and bracelets and rings, all made from Turquoise and often fashioned into the shape of an eye to watch over you. I'm sure there are many other examples around the world that you can think of. Why do we give engagement rings that always contain Diamonds ? Why not Rubies or Emeralds etc ?
D) Study Based - Here the work of Michael Gienger comes to mind (his book Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, is excellent) where he set up groups of people in Stuttgart, Germany, to carry and experience minerals and crystals and to write down and describe their findings. Other large study groups have probably also been organised elsewhere.
So, where does all this leave us ?
More and more doctors in practices and in hospitals are nowadays allowing complementary therapists in to augment their own work. We personally know a lady who does crystal healing and Reiki healing in a vets practice. Obviously, not every doctor feels this helps and some are outspoken against complementary therapies.
Regulation is coming to the UK and Europe through European Community laws, and there are now governing bodies overseeing crystal healing as a practice.
For some folk, they are willing to try crystals as an addition to their armament against disease, emotional problems, spiritual worries etc on the basis of a vast (and growing) body of experiential and anecdotal evidence.
However, when the chips are down, when our backs are to the wall, - there is simply not a body of absolute scientific evidence, such as exists in conventional medicine, that crystal healers can turn to.
You either chose to believe it, or you don't.
Pretty much like a religion perhaps - who can "prove" the existence of the after life offered by many of the worlds religions ?
For many millions of people around the world the after life is a certantity. For millions of others, it offers them hope at the end of their lives.
Perhaps like Love - who can "prove" that love exists, yet it is something that nearly all of us have personally experienced.
Who would deny hope, who would deny love.
I want to learn crystal healing - where do I start ?
We have a very comprehensive article about this subject in our Articles section.
You can read about it just here