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Tangerine or Melon Aura Quartz, Tumble Stone No4

£ 10.29  £5

Tangerine or Melon Aura Quartz Tumbled Stone
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This is an absolutely super stone of Tangerine Aura Quartz.

It has been hand picked by Mo and myself and it has an excellent colour with gorgeous translucency.

This is a lovely Quartz tumble stone that has been treated with Gold and Iron Oxide in a process that permanently bonds the precious metal to the Quartz. It will not rub off or wash off.

Size Medium/Large, approx. 22mm
Weight approx. 10grms

Tangerine Aura Quartz Properties and Meaning
Crystal Healing Properties, Metaphysical and Gemstone Meaning

Tangerine Aura Quartz is clear Quartz that has been treated with Gold and Iron Oxide to create its wonderful tangerine orange sheen. It is said to stimulate chi energy throughout the body, aid blood circulation and help us to more easily assimilate iron into our blood.

Tangerine Aura Quartz can uplift our spirits and help to balance our emotions making us feel more comfortable with ourselves. It is associated with the sacral chakra and brings us a sense of dynamism, vitality and energy. An excellent crystal for combating depression, it can also help to promote our own levels of self esteem and self worth. Tangerine Aura Quartz gives us the ability to work in harmony with others, to understand new ideas, focus our thoughts and stimulate our creativity. It encourages playfulness and curiosity and stimulates passion on all levels, both sexual and erotic passion as well as creative and energetic passion.

Tangerine Aura Quartz encourages our quest for all knowledge including spiritual knowledge.

£10.29  £5

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