These are high grade Brandberg Amethyst Tumble Stones and we were very pleased - and somewhat surprised - to find these.
Brandberg Amethyst of this quality and colour tends not to be tumbled, but rather sold as either polished points or made into jewellery.
Hold these up to the light and you'll see what we mean - gorgeous stones !
Often, just simply called Brandbergs, they are also known as Brandberg Quartz or Brandberg Amethyst and they have many of the healing properties associated with Amethyst itself but seem to be of a higher vibration. They have a lovely, strong energy which makes them much sought after healing crystals.
They are essentially a "blend", mostly of Amethyst but also with Smokey Quartz and Clear Quartz and, whether or not you can see all the three individual colours, their essence is carried by each crystal. They frequently display Amethyst phantoms and sometimes have bubbles of water in them too. They are found in the Brandberg mountain range in Namibia, hence the name.
Brandbergs tend not to be "pretty" crystals and are frequently left with rougher or less smooth patches and lots of surface marks. They try not to tumble away the "essence" of the stone, only to make it smoother to handle.
Having said that, these are quite wonderful stones with a great colour while still being smoother than usual. You can still see into them thanks to their being a high quality stone to start with.
Brandberg Amethyst is a superb crystal for soul retrieval, taking us back to the time when our soul was pure and before our family, friends, job and life in general all had a chance to leave their mark on us. Working with this crystal can help to restore our soul to a more perfect balanced state.
Brandberg Amethyst can be used on any chakra point to activate and realign our spiritual energies. They help us to grow in a more spiritual way and they also help to balance many aspects of our being.